Affiliation No. 2131796


Examination Rules


There will be two term examinations. Scheme of each term/ exam is given in the school diary and that is final.


If a student is ill during examination and is not able to appear for his/her exam, parents are required to submit a medical certificate for the same, a week before the report-cards distribution. In this case the child cannot claim the rank in the exam.


A student who fails or remains absent in any subject will not be included among rank holders.


Using unfair means in the examination is strictly prohibited. If anyone is found doing the same, marks can be deducted, and repetition will invite strict action.


Parents / Guardian are required to see the answer sheets of students on a date fixed by the school.


The result will be declared on a fixed date mentioned in the school diary.


All Parents / Guardians are requested to examine the progress report of their wards and return it duly signed to the class teacher within three days.


Kindly do not tear or spoil reports cards and do not write any remark on it.


Grades are given for Drawing, Craft, P. Ed., and G. K.

RULE #10

100% attendance achievers will be rewarded.

RULE #11

It is compulsory for the students to have 80% attendance to make them eligible to appear in the final exams.

RULE #12

During the examination days, the day when a child does not have any exam., will be a preparatory leave for him/her.